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Anthropophagic Translation or Towards a Poetics of Assimilation

Melanie Strasser: Anthropophagic Translation or Towards a Poetics of Assimilation, 5/31/2023, http://www.toledo-programm.de/talks/6103/anthropophagic-translation-or-towards-a-poetics-of-assimilation

Dokumenttyp Online-Einzelbeitrag
Sprache(n) Englisch
Autor·in Melanie Strasser
TitelAnthropophagic Translation or Towards a Poetics of Assimilation
InhaltsangabeAnthropophagy, the metaphorical assimilation of European art and literature and its transformation into something of one’s own, is a potent cultural topos in Brazilian modernism. How could the cannibalistic ritual of consuming others be applied to translation? What possibilities and difficulties are contained within the concept of "anthropophagic translation"?
Übergeordnete WebsiteTOLEDO
Übersetzer·inCatriona Corke
SammelgebietÜber das Übersetzen
Schlagwörter Wissensbereich