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As exotic as China, as American as the FBI

Frank Heibert: As exotic as China, as American as the FBI, 8/21/2023, http://www.toledo-programm.de/journale/6306/as-exotic-as-china-as-american-as-the-fbi

Dokumenttyp Online-Einzelbeitrag
Sprache(n) Englisch
Autor·in Frank Heibert
TitelAs exotic as China, as American as the FBI
InhaltsangabeValentine's Day is Frank Heibert’s seventh translation of a Richard Ford book – the latest (and last) one about Frank Bascombe. In the TOLEDO Journal, Heibert talks about Bascombe’s penchant for wry humour and how to translate this humour, about his own relationship with this headstrong US everyman, and why even a contemporary US novel can use a glossary.
Übergeordnete WebsiteTOLEDO
Übersetzer·inSteven Corcoran
SammelgebietÜber das Übersetzen
Schlagwörter Wissensbereich