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“Flesh of my leg! What’s up? What’s up?”

Douglas Pompeu: “Flesh of my leg! What’s up? What’s up?”, 12/18/2023, http://www.toledo-programm.de/talks/6815/flesh-of-my-leg-what-s-up-what-s-up

Dokumenttyp Online-Einzelbeitrag
Sprache(n) Englisch
Autor·in Douglas Pompeu
Titel“Flesh of my leg! What’s up? What’s up?”
InhaltsangabeBased on a surreal episode from the book Macunaíma. The Hero Without a Character (1928), Douglas Pompeu reflects on his own translation practice. How do we translate when the text is a foreign body? Douglas Pompeu leads us into a border area between home and distance, body and foreign body – and shows us language as a piece of meat that is swallowed and, digested or not, spat out again.
Übergeordnete WebsiteTOLEDO
Übersetzer·inKaplan Hilary
SammelgebietÜber das Übersetzen
Schlagwörter Wissensbereich