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On the seductions of cannibalism and parricide

Simone Homem de Mello: On the seductions of cannibalism and parricide, 7/14/2023, http://www.toledo-programm.de/talks/6144/on-the-seductions-of-cannibalism-and-parricide

Dokumenttyp Online-Einzelbeitrag
Sprache(n) Englisch
Autor·in Simone Homem de Mello
TitelOn the seductions of cannibalism and parricide
InhaltsangabeIn her article, Simone Homem de Mello recaps central episodes in the transmission of the term “Anthropophagia” in Brazilian cultural history since the sixteenth century. In doing so, she explores metaphoric and metonymic displacements which have taken place during the passing on of the image of cannibalism, and questions the discrepancies between the discourse on this cultural phenomenon with the related literary and translatory praxis.
Übergeordnete WebsiteTOLEDO
Übersetzer·inKaplan Hilary
SammelgebietÜber das Übersetzen
Schlagwörter Wissensbereich