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Voices Under Construction

Tanja Handels: Voices Under Construction, 2/17/2023, http://www.toledo-programm.de/journale/6229/voices-under-construction

Dokumenttyp Online-Einzelbeitrag
Sprache(n) Englisch
Autor·in Tanja Handels
TitelVoices Under Construction
InhaltsangabeTanja Handels traces Bernadine Evaristo's unusal career and describes her construction of German voices in her translation of Evaristo's 2013 novel Mr Loverman: that of 74-year-old Barrington Jedidiah Walker, born in the Caribbean and Londoner for almost 50 years, married for just as long, secretly gay, and that of his wife Carmel. A journal on Caribbean English, head over heels love, political correctness and what it's like to be talked into the ground by your main character. And: does it help a translation when the author has written a doctoral thesis about her own novel?
Übergeordnete WebsiteTOLEDO
Übersetzer·inCatriona Corke
SammelgebietÜber das Übersetzen
Schlagwörter Wissensbereich