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British Library Black literature timeline

British Library Black literature timeline, https://www.bl.uk/20th-century-literature/activities/black-literature-timeline

Dokumenttyp Website
Sprache(n) Englisch
Autor·in Ohne Autor·in
TitelBritish Library Black literature timeline
Beschreibung/InhaltEine exzellente BLACK LITERATURE TIMELINE mit zig Links und weiterführenden Quellenangaben zu Schwarzer Literatur in/aus Großbritannien. "Explore the rich history of Black writing and literature in Britain - This literary timeline explores the history of Black literature and writing in Britain through around 50 texts. It includes works by writers living and working in Britain, as well as titles first published here and authored by people who were born in former British colonies in Africa, the Caribbean and Americas."
Schlagwörter Wissensbereich